Monday 28 April 2014

Recolight Recycled about 200m lamps Sets a Milestone

Recolight is an Organization which is set up by lighting industry to take on their WEEE responsibility for recycling the light bulbs when the law introduced in the UK. The Recolight is specialized in recycling the lamps and light bulbs because the luminaries technology are providing the covering with the increasing emerging of LED modules so the more sypplys they make the more the waste will increasing. The Firm has recently funded a recycling of 200 million lamps and LED’s from 2007 and announced on 24 April. They are currently featured wit 130 producer member, and about 800 KG of Mercury from Landfill. They also started a campaign which was responsible for Over 40 percent of 984 tonnes of Luminaired recycled waste EEE during 2013.

Nigel Harvey, Chief Executive ofRecolight, said: “Our members can be very proud that they have achieved this 200 million milestone; it is they that have made it possible and it is a testament to their dedication to improve lighting recycling in the UK. Their role is integral in making sure we meet the UK recycling targets set out in the recast WEEE Directive. Recolight Marketing Manager, Suzanne Castine, added: “We are delighted to have reached this momentous landmark, having worked very hard to grow our network over the last 12 months. We provide compliance for all household and non-household lighting in scope of the WEEE Regulations.”       

The Electronic equipment that they are recycled was featured of almost all type of Lamps from household and non house hold application. All running on gas lamps are considered in the category of Hazardous Waste Regulation as Hazardous waste and treat in that way. They have set 800 CFL and LED recycling stores on which people can come and dump their CFL or LED.

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