Thursday 24 April 2014

AOL Proposes New Policies To Prevent Email Spoofing

AOL, which is the biggest American multinational mass media corporation based in New York, is now imposing a stricter email validations process to prevent any hacker with harmful intentions to take any spoof attack. The Email has been sent off to each and every user including all the clients and third party partners. AOL did a similar move like Yahoo did before by changing its DMRC policies to “reject” means, a line of text would be added into its DNS record which instructed mailbox to eliminate any email which purportedly connected to AOL domain but ain’t coming from the AOL server. This newly proposed policies have secure the user data because not even a single mail would be passing from the servers that didn’t originated from AOL server so users don’t have to worry about any fake mail have AOL logo. The Change into policies had come after user complaining that they’re receiving mail which looks from AOL but having links from other malicious sources.
AOL posted a Blogpost “Today we moved to change our DMARC policy to p=reject. This helps to protect AOL Mail users' addresses from unauthorized use. It also stops delivery on what previously would have been considered authorized mail sent on behalf of AOL Mail users via non-AOL servers. If you're a bulk sender on behalf of AOL addresses that probably includes mail sent from you. Mail sent on behalf of AOL Mail users to DMARC-compliant domains will be rejected by those domains unless the mail passes SPF and/or DKIM authentication checks AND the domain(s) used in those checks match”

This policy will make their users to determine which mail is from AOL or which is from a Hacker because just because user don’t understands the technical terms a huge data theft could be done like  Michaels Verify Security Hack Compromised Nearly 3M credit cards.

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