Tuesday 1 April 2014

Facebook To Deliver Internet Through Drones With “Connectivity Lab”

Facebook, the King of social networks plans to deliver the internet via actual drones flying above the cities. Yes last year FB started a project internet.org, which was totally focus to provided affordable internet to rest of the word that are unplugged. So to spread the Technology company brought Titan, the Drone maker company to provide internet through drones. The project is powered by Ascenta and NASA. FB partnered with Nokia, Samsung and Ericson with hopes to use the air internet and space born method to connect remaining 5 Billion people. Zuckerberg responded that they will work with more partners to develop new technologies for accomplish the mission. So to that Facebook will probably join the Google because they also have the same mission like FB to connect the rest of the world with project Loon in which they send big balloons with transducers to provide connectivity.
TechCrunch reported that “Internet.org will use different vehicles to deliver Internet to different types of locals. In suburban areas it will use “solar-powered high altitude, long endurance aircraft” that can stay in the air for month, are easily deployed, and can provide reliable Internet connectivity. Less populated areas will be served by low-Earth orbit and geosynchronous satellites. Both will employ “Free-space optical communication”, or FSO, which uses invisible, infrared laser beams to transmit data using light. Note that Facebook made no mention of Titan Aerospace, the drone-maker it was said to be in advanced acquisition talks with a few weeks ago.”

Due to all advancements and Connectivity, there is dark part of the internet.org is that what if NSA hack it or use the drones to capture some specific people or eavesdrop somebody which could be dangerous. As NSA has already break into companies like Huawei so people have thinking that it could turn those drones against them.

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