Monday 24 March 2014

Documents Leaked by Edward Snowden Says “Chinese Huawei Hacked By NSA”

A latest report from NY times says that National Security Intelligence has exploited the hardware maker Chinese company Huawei and gets the access to company’s source code, the documents reveals that NSA hacked into router maker Huawei servers with intentions to inject a malware into hardware so that it can spy on foreign rivals. The leaks are suggesting that NSA has started an operation called “Shotgiant” which breaks any type of security. Huawei is world’s second largest networking component maker after Cisco Systems. This all happing to the fact that US government has a doubt about Huawie products were used as Trojan horse which letting Chinese government to sneaks in other company’s clients. NSA not only gained access to the source but they also manipulated the emails.

Cnet publisheda report “For some of its most audacious attacks, China relies on hackers at state-funded universities and privately owned Chinese technology companies, apparently as much for their skills as for the plausible deniability it offers the state if it gets caught. The NSA is tracking more than half a dozen such groups suspected of operating at the behest of the Chinese Ministry of State Security, China's civilian spy agency.”

Obama already suggested a policy that agency have to ask companies to request the data, And after that several companies released transparency report, Google, Facebook, Twitter. Due to this entire incident from NSA and also Edward Snowden’s viral Interview at South by Southwest festival which was seen by millions of people by seven proxies around the world, US government got panicked and refuse to come to SXSW festival. Meanwhile both agency and Huawei responded in kind and refused to have such incident.

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