Monday 3 March 2014

Gartner: Android Grabs Top Spot From iPad With 62% Share

Apple has got the class and build quality but still it has lagging in Tablet industry. A mobile and Tablet analyst Gartner have released the Tablet sale list of 2013, and according to Gartner Android phones have topped the list, Apple tablets has on 2nd place. Android took over 62 % of the total market with 121 Million tablets, apple sold 70 million tablets. Recently expert detected so many hackers invaded into with malicious intention to harm the device but user don’t care that much. Last year Apple had the first place with 53 % of sale on 61 million iPads with comparison to Android 46 % with 53 million sold. So what fuels sales?? Low cost, big screen, or Build qualities. Gartner believes that Ironically Money is matters, and low cost Devices making their way into market.

Gartner said “As the Android tablet market becomes highly commoditized, in 2014, it will be critical for vendors to focus on device experience and meaningful technology and ecosystem value — beyond just hardware and cost — to ensure brand loyalty and improved margins. In 2013, tablets became a mainstream phenomenon, with a vast choice of Android-based tablets being within the budget of mainstream consumers while still offering adequate specifications, Going further into specific vendors and brands, Apple continues to lead tablet sales overall with 36% of all sales on that 70 million figure. Samsung, as expected, is using its bigger range of Galaxy tablets to catch up swiftly, with 37 million tablets sold for a 19% share”

Company struggling to make the way for their product into the market like Microsoft, Windows Phone OS is great Operating system but the App Ecosystem is still lacking somewhere, people fares to buy Windows Device. To compete with Google or Apple, Microsoft needs to create persuasive ecosystem for consumers and developers too, and as of 2014 Smartphone and Tablet is the key devices to deliver services direct to user beyond PC so they need to work harder with technology.

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