Monday 20 January 2014

Google Launches Smart Contact Lens

Google Unveils a contact lenses earlier in yester week. The Company’s X lab just tested a pair of contact lenses that can detect the blood sugar Level and warn the user when the sugar level crosses its threshold value. The Firm says it is a prototype at present it uses a wireless chip and a tiny glucose sensor to detect the Glucose level in blood. These two chips are entrenched between two soft layers of the contact lens matter.

In the launch, firm had said that scientist had tested it on different people bodies and determine how the flow of blood will be different from one another? This sensor can take one reading per second, and there is tiny LED bulb that glitch when the level of the glucose will cross its threshold value. It says that company is working with FDA to take this product into market. 

As we know that so many other companies including Microsoft had trying to launch such product into market. It don’t seem like there is any other smart lenses present in the market. It just takes to find right partners to launch this technology in the market. Google says that they will work on and develop more apps that will warn user and his doctor to about the high glucose level. 

Washington post Published a report about "The soft contact lens that Google is unveiling — it’s still a prototype — houses a sensor that measures the glucose levels in tears. A tiny pinhole in the lens lets tear fluid seep over the glucose monitor to get regular readings. Right now, the company said, it can get a level reading once every second. The lens also features a tiny antenna, capacitor and controller so that the information gathered from the lens can move from the eye to a device — such as a handheld monitor — where that data can be read and analyzed. It will draw its power from that device and communicate with it using a wireless technology known as RFID".
 Here is a video from Google to show you concept of the contact Lense

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