Monday 28 October 2013

An insight on security matters and the role of different players

It is widely accepted that issues of national security are no longer just about securing the borders but now also include making the communities resilient in the face of the threats that around them. Government around the world stress on the importance of private sector in ensuring that security is maintained in their sphere, in support of this a study was carried out with an aim of conceptualizing the responsibilities of this important part of the society. The study was carried out in different countries; it involved surveying large corporate and describing their security practices. A total of two hundred companies were studied, their security management practices were analyzed and the nature of collaborations with the national security agencies.

The survey covered different countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Sweden companies. In US a total of eighty seven security directors were asked to respond to some of the issues which were raised. The issues included some of the tools that are used in addressing the security challenges that these companies meet in their day to day operations. Nemesysco Limited tools were some of the mentioned solutions by different directors as they helped them in a great deal to deal with complex situation which affected them.The use of NEMESYSCO LVA 6.50 tool has helped investors to conduct their interrogations more effectively.

The study also found out that there are differences as far as understanding the role of the national government versus that of the private sector in addressing security matters. On the same note the study found out that there were lines of agreement between the two parties on the role each is supposed to play in ensuring security measures are taken in their spheres. This is a crucial study which goes a long way in ensuring that security issues are given priorities which they deserve. It is also important that those who develop various tools be involved in such studies so that an insight can be gained as far as understanding the situation is concerned. Android news can also provide a good forum for understanding the whole situation.

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