Tuesday 18 June 2013

Microsoft Company launched Latest C-TIP Security Program

Microsoft Company has recently launched a new program in the move of starving botnets and plugged its security intelligence systems into international cloud named Azure. Professionals have referred the new offering of Microsoft Company as C-TIP i.e. Cyber Threat Intelligence Program, which can enable CERTs and ISPs in receiving relevant details about infected computers on their systems in almost real-time.

Blog post of Microsoft Company unveiled that owners of computers not using legitimate and up-to-date software, along with anti-malware protection may sometimes unwillingly become the victims of cybercriminal activities. In fact, cybercriminals can make different types of online attacks to infected computers. Since last many years, Microsoft Company has remained leader in computer sector for taking down botnets. Main victims of the company will include various types of zombie armies enlisted in combination with malware, like for instance Bamital, Conficker, Nitol, Kelihos, Rustock, Waledac and Zeus.

Because of the massive efforts of qualified professionals of Microsoft Company in providing protection to the computers, many experienced people have rightly said that the company is taking almost all steps for ensuring about security as similar to many well-known security companies, like for instance Nemesysco Limited. Professionals of Microsoft Company possess good knowledge about sanitization of minions at the time of taking down of available network. Because of this, CERTs and ISPs perform suitable functions and solve important problems, which they receive from MARS i.e. Microsoft Active Response for Security, which currently remains plugged within Azure. As in this time iphone accessories like mobile speaker, keyboards and headphones have become world famous accessories for the smart phone users similarly Nemesysco has launched various security systems such LVA devices, burglar alarms, polygraphs machines, CCTV cameras have become a necessity for a common man.

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