Tuesday 12 March 2013

Israel could be the next target after the Syrian’s rebel

Israel could be the next target after the Syrian’s rebel said Benny Gantz, the IDF staff chief. He said that the terrorist rebel groups who are fighting against Bashar Al-Assad, the president of Syria will now make Israel its next target. He spoke at the Herzliya Conference of 2013 that the conditions of the Syria and become quite dangerous and unstable. He said that although the chances of war with Syria are not much but still the attack could be on Israel. He exclaimed that Syrian Army is capable of big strategic planning and applications and Israel could need to see it as a challenge.

The chief added that the terrorists groups are operating from population points and it’s hard to find who is enemy and has fatal intentions. There is always a threat around and a strict security is required. For solving the security purpose many Israeli companies like Nemesysco are coming forward with their security solutions. Nemesysco provide the various security system such LVA devices, burglar alarms, polygraphs machines, CCTV cameras. These all have become a world famous security system. Similarly this time iphone accessories like mobile speaker, keyboards and headphones have become world famous accessories for the smart phone users.

The chief staff Benny Gantz has experienced stability in the condition during past few years but the strategic explosive can burst at any point of time. The last seven years after the 2nd Lebanon war were quite safe and happy and if the conditions remain same the coming years can be safe too. There is a new incident every week in the country is that might lead to an unwanted situation.

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